Nov. 3, 2023
Artificial Canals US Buffalo
This historic map of the Buffalo Harbour shows where the Erie Canal once flowed.
Erie Canal From Buffalo to Albany in New York State New York 363 miles
Facts about Erie Canal
- Length, Albany to Buffalo (original Erie Canal)363 miles
- Number of locks, 1825 - 83
- Number of locks, present-day - 57
- Elevation change, Albany to Buffalo - 571 feet
- Canal dimensions, 1825 Original Erie - 4 ft deep x 40 ft wide; locks 90 ft long
- Canal dimensions, 1862 Enlarged Erie 7 ft deep x 70 ft wide; lock 110 ft long
- Number of aqueducts to bypass rivers and streams 18
Travel time from Albany to Buffalo, 1825- |
5 days |
Shushtar Hydraulic Water System
Perhaps one of the greatest technological feats of the early Persian civilization was the Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System. This highly complex system has been referred to as "a masterpiece of creative genius" and declared a world heritage site by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization). This historical site is probably best described as a hydraulic super factory!
Water Filtration Systems
3 water buckets for filtration
- Gravel (top bucket)
- Sand (Middle bucket)
- Activated charcoal (burned wood + lemon juice)( lower bucket)
Buffalo Videos
I started a new Travel Blog with videos incorporated.
Last week's Activity Review
Trumpet Swans that have been coming for the last 11 years in Aurora Ontario and recognize me from a distance and come to the feeding area under the bridge for a snack.
Buffalo Map
- Buffalo Museum of History. Artificial Canasl
- 3-4 story buildings.
- Venice of North America
- City Planning
Books and Painting Showcase Newmarket Public Library Sunday, December 10, 2023
External Sources
Blessed for Service